Innerlijk Reizen
Welcome to Inner Travel – the Netherlands

Welcome to Inner Travel – the Netherlands

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Take your inner journey with the largest provider in the Netherlands. We organize ceremonies for inner awakening using Psilohuasca. This can be done individually or in small groups, always under the guidance of experienced professionals. These safe inner journeys open the gates to insights that are almost inaccessible in everyday life. 

Psilohuasca is a very good and legal alternative to the other well-known native drink that is also used for spiritual and healing purposes. Our ceremonies give you access to a world of experience that is richer than you can imagine. If you are open to self-knowledge and are willing to take responsibility for your own life, then the inner journey we offer is definitely for you.

What is an Inner Journey?

A Psilohuasca Ceremony consists of the preparation, an inner journey and the aftercare afterwards. The part where you have a mind-expanding experience is also called the inner journey. The visual phase of this journey is something that is different for everyone. Some experience multiple dimensions, others come into contact with themselves in the past or future. For almost everyone who has experienced an inner journey with us, the journey brings insights. Insights that you will have to follow up on later, in daily life, to experience the full potential of this ceremony. That is why we offer extensive aftercare in the form of good food, a comfortable bed and extensive sharing in which you can share your experience with others who have just experienced a similar inner journey. By sharing and interpreting your story with our counselors, who have years of experience in this area, it is possible to convert insights into ideas and plans for ‘normal’ life after this inner journey. We advise participants in this wonderful experience to take a few days to ‘land’ and settle in before returning to the rhythm of everyday life. Have you become interested? Much more information and our contact details can be found on our site. Click on one of the buttons above to go to the site.

Why is it also called a plant medicine ceremony?

In itself, the explanation of the term plant medicine is simple. The active ingredients that provide a broader mind during your inner journey come from plants, pure nature. The well-known tea (Aya), which originally comes from the tropical rainforest, is a combination of leaves from the Psychotria Viridis and the vine Banisteriopsis Caapi. This drink is no longer permitted in the Netherlands, but fortunately a very effective legal alternative has been replaced, namely Psilohuasca. The latter is a combination of psilocybin, derived from truffles, and an MAO inhibitor. Just like the original plant medicine, this combination ensures a longer and stronger effect of the mind-expanding components of the truffles. The effect is then the same. A plant medicine ceremony can allow you to see mirrors of your own soul. Being confronted with unhelpful things that you consciously or unconsciously maintain. Sounds interesting to you. Then book your plant medicine ceremony today . Part of the registration is an extensive intake form that allows us to assess whether a plant medicine ceremony is suitable for you, so we guarantee a safe and balanced experience for all our participants.